Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Review on Multilateral Bargaining - Part 1

From this post, I will start to write a series of reviews on multilateral bargaining and coalition formation mechanisms. I would like to do this to resort some of my understanding on related topics.

This series will review some approaches on both economic (game theory approaches) and multi-agent systems.


I think many people who are interested in game theory may have heard the name of Nash and Rubinstein, who have both made outstanding contribution to the game theory. The former one proposed the famous Nash bargaining solution and the later one designed the well-known Rubinstein Model. However, those two approaches are mainly developed in the field of the bilateral bargaining problem (even some parts can be extended to multilateral bargaining problem). For the multilateral bargaining problem, I noticed that there are also some great researchers doing some interesting and unique researches.

The most different between bilateral bargaining and multilateral bargaining is that the later one is effected by coalition matters and therefore some theories such as Nash bargaining solution will be not suitable any more. Instead, it is very necessary to take the coalition formation issue into consideration. 

The earliest paper I have found is [3] by Robert J. Aumann and Michael Maschler, which discussed how the coalition can be "stable" under n-player bargaining games. For a simple example, 

Example 1.1  In a bargaining game there are three players, labeled as 1, 2, 3. Any two of them can work together as a coalition. The coalition {1,2} and {1,3} can obtain 100 to work together, whilst coalition {2,3} can gain only 50. Otherwise, they can obtain nothing, such that

v(1)=v(2)=v(3)=0; v({1,2})=v({1,3})=100, v({2,3})=50; v({1,2,3})=0

In example 1.1, if player 1 proposes an utility partition (80,20,0) for coalition structure {{1,2},3},then player 2 can object by pointing out that (0,21,29) for {1,{2,3}}; on the other hand,  (75,25,0) {{1,2}.3} is stable, because an objection of player 2, e.g. (0,26,24) {1,{2,3}} can be met by a counter objection (75,0,25) {{1,3},2}.

Therefore, Aumann proposed a definition such that a stable coalition satisfies that for each "objection" of a subset of the coalition, there is a "counter objection" against the "objection".

In this paper[3], Aumman have enumerated such a lot examples for n-player games, n=2, 3, 4, 5, and in pretty good simpleness and clearness. This work has build a foundation for many later works.

The one who proposed a rigorous analysis is in Elaine Bennett's paper[4] (also a later version [5]). In his work, the interrelationships among coalitions became a key issue in multilateral bargaining games. Also the outside option has been discussed in depth. (Aumann has noticed there are some factors as an "alternatives"). I will write more on this in my next update.

Also I plan to write reviews on following topics in my future updates:

3C/3P games (one man out)
Nash stable
Bargaining solutions
Coalition formation mechanisms (in multi-agent systems)
Negotiation mechanisms (in multi-agent systems)

[1] Rubinstein, Ariel. "Perfect equilibrium in a bargaining model." Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society (1982): 97-109.
[2] Nash Jr, John F. "The bargaining problem." Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society (1950): 155-162.
[3] Aumann, Robert J. The bargaining set for cooperative games. Defense Technical Information Center, 1961.
[4] Bennett, Elaine. "Multilateral bargaining problems." Economic Department, University of California at Los Angeles WP594 (1986).
[5] Bennett, Elaine. "Multilateral bargaining problems." Games and Economic Behavior 19.2 (1997): 151-179.

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